Do you get the feeling there’s a longing for change in the air these days? Not just when it comes to our present administration (where longing for change could easily turn to begging or demanding), but for change in our everyday lives to include more fun, better money, more slow dancing, faster horses, better-looking men, more candlelit picnics on the beach, and so on? I know for me right now, that longing lingers at the back of my tongue like the last bitter-sweet memory of dark chocolate.My friend and colleague CYNTHIA MORRIS has decided that her time for change has come. After quite a few years in Boulder, Colorado, coaching others to have the courage to make their dreams come true—and following quite a few of her own, including completing a wonderful new novel—Cynthia is leaving Boulder in search of adventure. She’s started a new blog called Journey Juju – – where she’ll discuss creative, magical travel and share her journey, which begins in Milan, Italy, in May. She’ll sell or store everything, hop a flight, head for parts unknown and see what the world brings her way—that’s the plan. Always an artist at heart, she has designed 100 unique and very special travel shrines (see photo, then visit the website for more details about ordering).
Cynthia, I wish you good juju in your travels, new friends, lots of art, books, delicious feasting of all the best kinds!
How about the rest of you readers? If you jumped the tracks today to follow your own new paths, where would you go and what would you do? Just thinking and writing about it brightens these drear winter days-- Rosemary
More Creations
4 days ago
Hurrah, Cynthia!
Rosemary, your question about where we would go and what we would do if we decided to do a Cynthia Morris immediately sent me back to Tasmania in my fantasies.
Some years ago, I was in Australia on business for a couple of weeks. When the business part of the trip was over, my husband and I flew down to Tasmania and drove the island for a week.
The island of Tasmania (about the size of Scotland) has many microclimates--sunny beaches, temperate (as opposed to tropical) rainforest, lush countryside to rival Ireland . . .
I would immediately head to the site where I had my National-Geographic-like experience: fairy penguins, returning from the ocean to their nests, the adults and babies all around my feet.
Then I would find a comfortable spot and get back to work on my second book. And surely there are folks who need books edited in that part of the world, not to mention locals who could use an American shaman.
Ah, what a fantasy!
Melanie Mulhall
Go, Melanie, Go! I love the image of you writing a book among cavorting fairy penguins!
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